How to Humanely Remove Skunks from Your Yard

Encountering a skunk in your yard can be a smelly and potentially challenging situation. While skunks are generally not aggressive, their distinctive odor and potential to spray when threatened make them unwelcome visitors for most homeowners. If you find yourself facing a skunk dilemma, here are some humane and effective methods to remove them from your yard without causing harm to the animals or yourself.

Identify Skunk Habits and Entry Points

Understanding skunk behavior is crucial for effective and humane removal. Skunks are nocturnal creatures, so they are most active during the night. Identify their entry and exit points, which are often located near ground-level openings, such as under decks, sheds, or in crawl spaces.

Observe from a Distance

Before taking any action, observe the skunk from a safe distance. Skunks are generally not aggressive unless they feel threatened. Keep your distance to avoid stressing the animal.

Use Ammonia Soaked Rags

Skunks have a keen sense of smell, and they dislike strong odors. Placing ammonia-soaked rags near their den entrances can discourage them from staying in the area. However, make sure to place the rags in a way that avoids direct contact with the skunk.

Install Motion-Activated Lights and Sprinklers

Skunks prefer dark, quiet spaces. Installing motion-activated lights and sprinklers can disrupt their comfort and encourage them to find a more secluded location. This approach is humane and doesn't physically harm the skunk.

Seal Entry Points

Prevent skunks from returning by sealing off potential entry points. Use sturdy materials like wire mesh or wood to block access to spaces under decks, porches, and other structures. Ensure any existing animals are safely removed before sealing entryways.

Use Repellents

There are commercially available skunk repellents that use natural ingredients to deter skunks. These products are designed to be safe for both the skunks and the environment. Follow the instructions carefully to ensure proper application.

Consult a Professional Wildlife Control Service

If you are uncomfortable handling the situation on your own or if the skunk problem persists, consider seeking the help of a professional wildlife control service. They have the expertise and equipment to safely and humanely remove skunks from your property.

Be Patient

Humane skunk removal may take time. Skunks are persistent, and it may require a combination of methods to encourage them to leave. Patience is key to ensuring a humane resolution to the situation.

Educate Neighbors

If you live in an area prone to skunk activity, consider educating your neighbors about humane skunk management practices. Encourage them to avoid using harmful methods and to work together to create an environment that is less attractive to skunks.

Dealing with skunks in your yard requires a combination of understanding their behavior and using humane methods to encourage them to leave. By taking these steps, you can effectively and compassionately address skunk-related issues without resorting to harmful or inhumane practices. Remember, the goal is not only to protect your property but also to ensure the well-being of the wildlife involved.


Animal & Wildlife Trapping
Phone: 302-236-1273

Located in Lewes, DE serving Delaware, Sussex and
Kent Counties.

Animal & Wildlife Trapping

is a certified wildlife control operator. We offer professional and safe trapping, removal and release of wildlife. Our removal of wildlife covers: foxes, raccoons, squirrels, groundhogs, skunks, opossums, beavers, cats, snakes, bats, birds, pigeon, otter and much more wildlife. Also contact us for carcass removal and chimney caps for exclusion and prevention. We are located on Lewes, DE servicing Delaware, Sussex and Kent Counties. Licensed and insured in the state of Delaware. Licensed and insured for fishing and wildlife.

Serving Delaware for over 25 years.